Company Listings for Motors
in Equipment

Horizon Distributors
- 5214 S. 30th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85040
- (800) 782-8873
- Horizon is a wholesale supplier that sells a complete line of products and services to the green industry & golf management professional. With over 90 locations in the continental United...
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Pumps, Motors & Controls, Inc.
- 5727 Luce Street, Houston, TX 77087
- (832) 487-9463
- Are you tired of big pump station and service companies who don’t call you back? When you’re spending big bucks on pump stations and service, you...
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Turf Star Western
- 955 Beacon Street, Brea, CA 92821
- (800) 585-8001
- Turf Star Western (TSW) serving as the west coast Toro distributor since 1922, covers Washington, Oregon, California, Baja Mexico, Northern Idaho, Northern Nevada and Alaska. In addition to Toro...
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