Sustainable Turf Science Inc.

Company Description

STS (Sustainable Turf Science, Inc.) is owned and operated by Dr. Salam Awada and Brad Snavely.

Dr. Awada brings over 35 years of experience in the fields of plant nutrition and biological fermentation to the turf grass industry.  His research and development team use bioreactors to grow beneficial yeast, bacteria, and fungi to harvest their metabolites, extracts, and byproducts.  Dr. Awada holds worldwide patents on his processes as well as many trade secrets reacting nutrients into ionic form, pre-digestion processes and fractionating of humic, fulvic and other organic acids that are stable over a wide pH range.  Microbial metabolite-based products that signal pathways at a cellular level have been introduced after 8-10 years of R & D boasting improved density through optimizing photosynthesis and carbohydrate production during short days, low light periods (Photo-Boost), in addition to stimulating plant defense mechanisms (Systemic Acquired Resistance) and boosting the immune system (EMPRUV).

Brad Snavely has over 45 years of agronomic experience, with the last 30 years spent as an agronomic consultant to golf courses, major sports fields, horse racing turf tracks, etc.  Brad is an expert in trouble shooting based on his extensive experience with soil and water interpretation, analyses and problem solving, developing pro-active management strategies through a proprietary software program that has spent over 15 years in development to bring together soil and the influence of water, so soil testing becomes a monitoring tool as opposed to a reactionary tool. 

STS Turf’s innovative technology promotes improved efficiency of fertilizer applications through “enzymatic fragmentation” or pre-digesting carbon, nutrients, and their compounds prior to bottling.  “Pre-Digestion” takes multiple weeks and provides molecules that are so small they are measured in the form of “Dalton”.  One Dalton is equal to one atom and provides measurement in a three-dimensional form.  STS products have been evaluated at less than 400 Dalton, whereby less than 500-600 will efficiently get through a plant cell structure.  We use this “Enzymatic Fragmentation” process to react and gas-off oxides, providing desired nutrients in ionic form with no unwanted baggage, complex and chelate nutrients using advanced Nanotechnology, further serving to optimize absorption and utilization, while conserving plant energy.  This unique manufacturing process yields humic acid that is stable over a wide range of pH, while also using “Pre-Digestion” to cold-process sea kelp, digesting over time releasing all nutrients and beneficial constituents into solution with no exposure to heat or toxic extraction methods.

STS carries an extensive line of over 30 nutritional and auxiliary products, to provide a toolbox specifically for turf managers to address every reason and season.  Please visit our web site, to see our line-up of products that address every aspect of growing the highest quality turf in a diverse range of conditions… from nutrition to soil conditioning and beneficial biology, salt management to soil O2, photosynthesis and carbohydrate production to boosting the immune system and triggering pathways at a cellular level, STS Turf is truly re-defining turf nutrition and reducing the need for harmful chemicals.

Over 35 years have been spent developing and patenting technologies for plants and beneficial microbes, along with their extracts, which are now available to turf managers in STS Turf products.


Biological Products

  • Bio Control Products
  • Bio Micro Nutrients
  • Bio Stimulate Products
  • Biological Products


  • Adjuvants
  • Biological Products
  • Stress Management Products
  • Sustainable Products


  • All Natural Fertilizer
  • Bio Fertilizer
  • Fertilizer
  • OMRI Certified Fertilizer

Lab / Testing Services & Equipment

  • Lab / Testing Services & Equipment


  • Landscaping

Nursery & Ornamentals

  • Nursery & Ornamentals

Retail Products & Services

  • Retail Products & Services

Soil Conditioners & Amendments

  • Soil Conditioners & Amendments

Specialty Products & Services

  • Specialty Products & Services

Tree Care Equipment & Services

  • Tree Care Equipment & Services

Turf / Landscape Supplies

  • Macronutrients / Micronutrients
  • Trees

Wetting Agents

  • Wetting Agents